Thursday, December 29

The Pedaling Pedouins - Hero Dads Beware

The Pedaling Pedouins - Hero Dads Beware:

So we've all heard of hero dads before. The guys who strap up a massive backpack and head off into the wood with kids in tow for the weekend. I'm always impressed that these guys don't let life slow 'em down too much. Well, after reading about the Pedouins, I'm no longer impressed.

On August 1, 2009, the "Pedouins" mounted a "quint" bicycle and started a 7,000 miles journey to Alaska. Yes, you read that right, five people on a bike, riding to Alaska. Oh yeah, the children, all girls, are ages 3, 5, and 7. Also, the Pedouins aren't simply taking the shortest route from Kentucky to Alaska, no they rode from from Kentucky to southern Florida, across the southern U.S., to California and then up to Oregon and Washington. From there, they'll ride into B.C. and take a ferry or two up the Alaska Marine Highway, to Whittier and then ride to Fairbanks. All told 7,000 miles. Along the route, they camp, they stay at hotels, they blog, they have a weekly radio show, they even have a credo. Oh and did I mention, they ride a five-person bicycle.

I'm pretty blown away by this family. Pretty inspiring. Check out their journey at

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