Now, be honest… did you name yourself?
I hope so. But if not, why not?
It’s never too late to be make some changes so that your answer to that question is a confident, “ME!” Need some ideas of what changes to make? Here are 20 signs that you are living life to the fullest:
1. You have crow’s feet from smiling so much.
2. You currently have something fun on your calendar this month (and next month too).
3. The idea of writing your own eulogy brings you no thoughts of regret.
4. April Fool’s Day is highly anticipated in your household. (If not, get some awesome ideas from our upcoming LIVE April Fool’s Day Escape Adulthood Show.)
5. You use every single vacation day you’re given each year.
6. You’re working on a goal that gets you excited when you tell other people about it.
7. You refuse to answer your phone when you are having a conversation with a friend or family member.
8. You’re not afraid of a few raindrops or a little dirt.
9. When other people think of you, they instantly smile.
10. You do not hold any grudges.
11. Your favorite food is on your menu at least once a month.
12. You have a few scars that prove that you’ve lived and loved.
13. You car dance at least once a week.
14. You don’t just live for the weekends. You think weekdays are enjoyable too!
15. You are proud to say you make time for quality AND quantity time with those you love.
16. If your coworkers were asked to collectively agree on one word to describe you, the word would be something really cool like: fun, passionate, sincere, silly or loyal.
17. Even though there are countless uncertainties, you are not afraid of the future.
18. You have either Stage 1 or no Adultitis™ whatsoever. (Not sure what stage you’re in, complete the intake here.)
19. When asked what your hobby is, TV is NOT your answer.
20. You know how to “just be.” Busyness is not always your reality.
This list could go on and on. What did I miss? Share your surefire sign that you’re living life to the fullest!
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